I worry that we are losing the balance that keeps things in tune between us. I hope that you and I will fix things and that maybe, all we need is a little more affection.
The more I wait, the more things will fall heavy on my shoulders. It will block the sunlight and it will push you more away. I want to tell you a lot of things and I want to say this..
All the time and memories that you had given me is placed somewhere that you will least expect to find. It is impossible to forget and reclaim. Please understand that.
Do not test my beliefs when you ask me what the holidays mean to me. It does not mean anything religious to me but it would be nice if you come down here to see me. After that, maybe I can finally answer your question.
My emotions had piled up because I finally admitted that you are my only burden. I learned that I can love you and want to get rid of you at the same time.
You forget about the second chance that you get whenever the next morning comes. You focus too much on what is presented right in front of you and tell yourself that things wont get better. It will get better.
You and I had continuously kept something running for so long without having anything slow us down that lead us to jump on every possible conclusion that someday, we would be this and one day, we would be that.